Tuesday, 20 April 2010

Hi, my name is Joshua and this is what’s covered in my 1st year of AS media studies

The media course at as consists of two units. The first unit requires ourselves to produce a film on the coursework topic, film noir. A genre of pessimism
Before filming the final piece a preliminary exercise was to be completed. This allowed us to get used to using the camera’s and microphones as well as the editing software on the new apple Macs.
These were then assessed which was very useful in understanding your weaknesses and what to do to improve them.
Our next filming contained an opening sequence of an exchange (with noir characteristics/stylistics) between two people which incorporated a range of shots including a close up of the exchange of an item between the two. The inclusion of research and planning helped for the preparation of the filming as well as a presentation to express the treatment. This allowed constructive criticism to be heard. After each filming an evaluation would take place using media terminology to describe your points of filming.
All theory work given is then placed onto a blog which is created by ourselves.
Unit 2 introduces the teachings of key concepts within media studies which include film language, representations, ideology, institutions, audience and language. This helps with the understanding of a wide range of media texts which will help with the exam on the 9th June 2010.

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